Wilhelm's I Ching

Richard Wilhelm's classic 1923 German translation rendered into English by Cary F. Baynes

Hexagram Table

111 110 101 100 011 010 001 000
111 1 9 14 26 43 5 34 11
110 44 57 50 18 28 48 32 46
101 13 37 30 22 49 63 55 36
100 33 53 56 52 31 39 62 15
011 10 61 38 41 58 60 54 19
010 6 59 64 4 47 29 40 7
001 25 42 21 27 17 3 51 24
000 12 20 35 23 45 8 16 2

Pinyin Names

In place of the Wade-Giles phonetic spelling of Chinese names, the more modern Pinyin spelling is used.

Ruling Lines

Ruling lines are marked with a small circle ° in the changing line sections.