Three Manuals
There are three ways to read the manual for My Ching as follows:
- On this website. See the hexagram menu above. This is always
the most up-to-date version.
- Within the My Ching application itself in the Help
menu, (but minus the illustrations). The application version of
the manual might be slightly out of date, but the next version
of My Ching, will automatically synchronize with the
website version, so it will always be up to date.
- You can purchase the manual as a Kindle book on Amazon
Kindle Offer
If you purchase the Kindle manual on Amazon you can get a free 1 year subscription for the software. (We are not allowed to mention this on the Amazon description as it violates their terms and conditions) To claim your free 1 year subscription just take a screenshot of your Kindle library showing the manual and attach the screenshot to an email. Details below.
Email to
finnian at hex11software dot com
(Spelt like this to confuse spambots. Obviously you need to replace at with @ etc)
Subject Line
I bought the Kindle My Ching Manual
Proof of Purchase
Amazon do to not give Kindle authors any customer details when they make a sale. As proof of purchase please send a screenshot of your Kindle library with the My Ching manual visible. In the example below you can see the reader has downloaded the sample but has not purchased the manual. If you don't know how to take a screenshot you may need to Google: take a screenshot on Android (or iOS as the case may be)
(Click on screenshot for full size)
The Reply
Once we receive your email, we will send a reply with a 1 year subscription pack attached. Follow the instructions in the email to activate your subscription.